Your guide to owning an old apartment, the real estate market in Berlin and more.
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Renovating a chimney in an old building R...
The dream of home ownership – for many, this is the old apartment. With their often large rooms, high stucco ceilings and parquet floors, they have a charm all of their own. As attractive as apartments in old buildings may be, there are a few things to bear in mind when buying. We have summarized the most important points for you. Mit ihren oftmals großen Räumen, hohen Stuckdecken und Parkettböden haben sie ihren ganz eigenen Charme. So attraktiv Altbauwohnungen auch sein mögen, beim Kauf muss einiges beachtet werden. Wir haben die wichtigsten Punkte für Sie zusammengefasst.
Criteria for buying an apartment in an old building
Home purchase
The dream of home ownership – for many, this is the old apartment. With their often large rooms, high stucco ceilings and parquet floors, they have a charm all of their own. As attractive as apartments in old buildings may be, there are a few things to bear in mind when buying. We have summarized the most important points for you.

Life and living
The dream of home ownership – for many, this is the old apartment. With their often large rooms, high stucco ceilings and parquet floors, they have a charm all of their own. As attractive as apartments in old buildings may be, there are a few things to bear in mind when buying. We have summarized the most important points for you.
Living trends & lifestyle
Keep your old apartment cool in summer with ...
How to make perfect use of the ceiling heigh...
The balcony in autumn – ideas for a co...
Financing and investment
How do I set a good offer price?
Art on the building
Building Land Mobilization Act: amendment to...
Home purchase
Living space in an old apartment – wha...
Berlin-Pankow – Buy old apartments in ...
Buying instead of renting – when it...
Real estate market
Berlin’s City West and its constant ch...
Ownership rate in Germany
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