We are your reliable partner
for your purchase in Berlin and Potsdam
- Sale for owner-occupiers and investors
- Invest in long-term security together with us
- We work with you in a partnership-based, solution-oriented and future-proof manner
A home is not just a place, but also an investment in your future. Realize your dream home!
Everyone longs for a home, a place that offers security and safety. Whether you want to realize your own dream home or are looking for an intelligent capital investment - our tailor-made solutions open up unimagined possibilities.
More than 10 years of experience
For more than 10 years, our passion has been the development of existing residential properties in the central locations of Berlin and Potsdam. Our approach focuses on preserving the characteristic style of old buildings (built between 1870 and 1950) while enhancing the quality of living. Our experienced experts in the real estate market will support you with their many years of expertise.
Why you should invest in a condominium with us:
- Stability and securityReal estate is solid in the long term and less volatile compared to other forms of investment. We make sure you are well informed and can make informed decisions that take into account your financial situation, your long-term goals and your lifestyle.
- Real estate expertise for sustainable successWe offer condominiums in the central locations of Berlin and Potsdam. We focus on preserving the characteristic style of old buildings (built between 1870 and 1950) while at the same time enhancing the quality of living. Our experienced experts in the real estate market will assist you with their many years of expertise in project development.
- Flexibility made to measureWe know that your life evolves and your needs can change. That’s why our condominiums offer maximum flexibility. Whether for your own use or for renting out – your apartment adapts to your individual life goals.
- Inflation protection and value retentionA property is not only a roof over your head, but also protection against the effects of inflation. By buying a condominium with Fortis, you protect your assets in the long term and can benefit from stable increases in value.
- A passionate partnership for your projectWe accompany you not only during the purchase process, but also beyond. From the property search to the handover, we are at your side. Our experts take care of all the details.
- Transparency and trust: We place the highest value on transparent communication. We always keep you up to date and enable you to make informed decisions. Your trust is our capital and we do everything we can to earn it.
"We accompany people with passion into new life perspectives. We work with you to develop your own individual home. It is far more than just a task. It is a passionate calling"

Four steps to buying your own home
Gemeinsam mit Ihnen definieren wir Ihre individuellen Wohnvorstellungen, sei es für Kapitalanlage oder Selbstnutzung, inklusive der bevorzugten Lage und des finanziellen Rahmens. Auf dieser Grundlage unterstützen und beraten wir Sie, um Ihre Entscheidungen auf diesem Weg bestmöglich zu begleiten und zu gestalten.
Nachdem wir Ihre Wünsche sorgfältig gesammelt haben, präsentieren wir Ihnen maßgeschneiderte Angebote. Im Anschluss organisieren wir Besichtigungen vor Ort und stehen Ihnen für umfassende Beratung zur Seite. Unser Ziel ist es, Sie bestmöglich zu unterstützen, damit Sie fundierte Entscheidungen auf dem Weg zum Wohnungserwerb treffen können.
Wir stellen Ihnen zwar keine direkte Finanzierung zur Verfügung, jedoch bieten wir Ihnen wertvolle Unterstützung durch die Vorstellung kompetenter Finanzierungspartner. Wir begleiten Sie bei der Antragstellung, helfen Ihnen bei der Zusammenstellung der erforderlichen Unterlagen und unterstützen Sie beim Einreichen der Anträge. Darüber hinaus arbeiten wir gemeinsam daran, die langfristige Eignung Ihrer gewählten Finanzierungsoption zu bewerten. Unsere Zielsetzung ist es, Ihnen bei jedem Schritt des Weges zur Seite zu stehen, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Entscheidungen gut informiert und zukunftsfähig sind.
Wir sind Ihr Partner beim gesamten Abwicklungsprozess, einschließlich der Vorbereitung und Unterzeichnung von Verträgen, Koordination mit Notaren und anderen beteiligten Parteien. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss sind wir weiterhin für Sie da, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihre Investition reibungslos verläuft und Sie bestmöglich unterstützt sind.
Ready to take the step towards your own dream home? Contact us today and discover our condominiums in Berlin. Eröffnen Sie sich langfristige Sicherheit und smarte Investitionen – mit uns an Ihrer Seite!
We work with you to define your individual living requirements, whether for investment or owner-occupation, including the preferred location and financial framework. Auf dieser Grundlage unterstützen und beraten wir Sie, um Ihre Entscheidungen auf diesem Weg bestmöglich zu begleiten und zu gestalten.
After we have carefully collected your wishes, we will present you with a customized list of suitable offers. We then organize site visits and provide you with comprehensive advice. Our aim is to provide you with the best possible support so that you can make informed decisions on the way to buying a home.
Although we do not provide you with direct financing, we can offer you valuable support by introducing you to competent financing partners. We accompany you through the application process, help you to compile the necessary documents and support you in submitting the applications. In addition, we work together to assess the long-term suitability of your chosen financing option. Our aim is to be by your side every step of the way to ensure that your decisions are well informed and sustainable.
We are your partner throughout the entire transaction process, including the preparation and signing of contracts, coordination with notaries and other parties involved. After successful completion, we will continue to be there for you to ensure that your investment runs smoothly and that you are supported in the best possible way.

How to invest for the future - your path to financial stability
In today’s dynamic economic world, more and more people are looking for smart ways to protect and grow their wealth. Investing in condominiums as a capital investment has proven to be one of the safest and most profitable options.
We apply our extensive experience to help you realize your financial goals and offer you unique condominiums in prime locations.
4 good reasons to invest in a condominium as a capital investment
Condominiums have proven to be an extremely attractive investment opportunity for capital investors. Here are some reasons why you should seize this opportunity:
- Long-term stability: Condominiums offer remarkable stability and tend to increase in value over the long term. This means that you can benefit not only from regular rental income, but also from a potential increase in the value of your investment over time.
- Passive income: Renting out condominiums allows you to generate passive income. Your property works for you while you can focus on other important things.Inflation protection: Real estate is often an excellent hedge against the effects of inflation. While prices may rise, the value of real estate tends to increase over time, which means your wealth is preserved.
- Diversification: Investing in condominiums allows you to diversify your investment portfolio. Real estate often has a low correlation to other asset classes, which can help spread risk.
- Tax advantages: There are various tax benefits associated with real estate investments. Depreciation, interest deductions and other tax benefits can reduce your overall tax burden and increase your return.
Our support for your success
We make sure that your investment in condominiums as a capital investment is a success. With our expertise and many years of experience, we offer:
- Tailor-made adviceWe understand your individual needs and goals. Our experts will help you select the best condominiums that perfectly match your investment strategy .
- Comprehensive market analysisOur in-depth understanding of the market enables us to identify condominiums in the most promising locations that offer high yield potential.
- Professional handling: From contract negotiation to transfer of ownership, we take care of all aspects of your investment to ensure that you can benefit smoothly and stress-free.
- Transparent communication: We believe in clear and open communication. We keep you informed about the progress of your investment and are always available to answer your questions.
Ready to invest in your financial future?
Whether you are looking to buy a condominium for your own use or as an investment, contact us today to find out more about our services and start on the path to your long-term success together.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about condominiums as a home or investment!
+49 30 516 95 97 32